
Campaign Builder: Dungeons & Ruins

Created by Kobold Press

In the 5E tradition, Dungeons & Ruins offers deadly risks and great rewards. All it takes is a torch, a sharp sword, and great courage…

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Plunder the Kobold Dungeon!
6 months ago – Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 04:40:35 PM

Claim a Staff of Power or a Hammer of Savings!

It's true, the $99 and $119 pledge tiers offer the largest discounts, and they are only available for Kickstarter backers!

Hardcover + PDF + Map Folio + JPG Map Pack = $99
Limited Edition + PDF + Map Folio + JPG Map Pack = $119

(These discounts will not be available after the Kickstarter.)

Stretch Goals Unlocked!

In addition to the deals you can claim just by backing now, the stretch goals make it an even better deal! In the first 24 hours, backers have already unlocked two goals:

  • The form-fillable Dungeon Tracker PDF is the perfect tool for keeping everything in your megadungeon organized, with spaces to note unique treasures, enemies, tricks and traps, and maps. 
  • The upcoming Design Seminar on May 17 is your chance to tune in and hear what dungeon designers and cartographers have to say about their best practices and pro tips for getting the most out of subterranean campaigns. There are a lot of years' of experience packed into this line-up!

More stretch goals are warming up, to be announced when this project hits the $150k mark! Thank you to everyone who has gotten us this far so quickly!

Funded in One Hour! First Stretch Goal Unlocked!
6 months ago – Tue, Apr 16, 2024 at 09:03:07 AM

The Warrens are alive with the sounds of exuberant cheers. Once again, you, our fans, have warmed our hearts with your support. We’d like to extend a particularly big thank-you to those of you who shared, liked, and rebroadcast the teasers and announcements leading up to the launch of our Kickstarter. You helped us get here in only 60 minutes!

Even as we wrote this update, your pledges rolled the campaign across our first stretch goal. Everyone now gets access to a form-fillable Dungeon Tracking PDF, where you can list features, add maps, and jot down notes to help keep all the goodies in your ruined temple, byzantine maze, or bandit hideout organized.

But there's more to come! We have 29 days to see how many more stretch goals we can hit, and we look forward to sharing all the good stuff we hope to add to Campaign Builder: Dungeons & Ruins with you! Keep checking back to see the progress, and once again, thank you all for your support.